Damodar (Kartik) Month

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Month of Kartik (Damodar) begins 17 Oct, 2024 (Thursday) and ends on 15 Nov, 2024 (Friday).

Any devotional service done during Kartik is magnified immensely. Devotees meditate on the pastime of Mother Yashoda tying up Krishna with the rope of her love. This month is also dedicated to Srimati Radharani, the Mother of Devotion. 

Every evening for the month of Kartik beginning at 7 am and 7pm, ghee lamps will be offered to the Deities and to Lord Damodar being tied up by Mother Yashoda with ropes.

Please come and join us in offering lamps every morning and evening at the temple for the entire month of Kartik.

You can sponsor Damodara Arati for $125 for any specific day of the month. Please approach Rasikendra dasa if you want to sponsor an a Damodar Arati

Online donation link (click here)

Also – fourth month of CATURMASYA (Purnima system) begins today. (Fast from Urad Dal for one month)

Damodar Prayers and Translation:

In English

In Hindi

In Gujarati

Translation (English)


Chant along here:


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