ISKCON of Houston community has taken up the distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books as a topmost priority. Everyone in our community supports this most important task.

Srila Prabhupada said this in a letter to Jananivasa Das, 5 March 1971:

Our book distribution program is most important work. Anyone reading our Krishna book, Nectar of Devotion, and Bhagavad-Gita, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person. Therefore somehow or other we must push on this literature distribution program, either through schools, colleges, libraries, life membership program or ordinary sales.

We invite all of you to join us in this service to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.

When we all come to spread the glories of Krishna then a deep bonding develops between members of the community. This bonding easily takes us beyond any sort of conflicts that may arise due to the 3 modes of nature. Everyone benefits through such heartfelt exchanges. Our goal of book distribution is to create goodwill in the society.


  • Shastra Daan: You can donate money for the books that will be distributed on your behalf or you can buy books and distribute yourself.
  • Join us for the book distribution festivals throughout the year.
  • Prepare cookies or other prasadam for distribution.
  • Take permissions from stores, hospitals, local government for distributing books.

Please Join us!!

Donations (to sponsor books)

⇒ Contact Madhav Charan Das or Patita Pavan Das